Java Plugin For Firefox In Ubuntu

Failed to execute goal org. I have scoured the internet for almost five days now looking for a fix to this issue, but I cannot seem to find and fix it on my own, mainly because I am so new to both Maven and Play. N so Im not entirely sure at what Im looking at exactly. But, it is clearly fizzing up at building the core. Seems it cant download an artifact filter, and is unable to run Surefires test. But, Im just speculating on things I dont quite understand fully, even though Ive been trying to research these things like crazy. Any help from more experienced people would be very, very, appreciated. Im losing my mind on this. INFO Building Synthesis Core 1. SNAPSHOT. INFO . INFO maven enforcer plugin 1. INFO maven resources plugin 2. INFO Using UTF 8 encoding to copy filtered resources. Java Plugin For Firefox In Ubuntu' title='Java Plugin For Firefox In Ubuntu' />INFO Copying 2 resources. INFO skip non existing resource. Directory C UsersJosiahsynthesiscoresrcmainresources. INFO maven compiler plugin 2. INFO Nothing to compile all classes are up to date. INFO maven resources plugin 2. Resources default test. Resources synthesis core. INFO Using UTF 8 encoding to copy filtered resources. EC1Lp.jpg' alt='Java Plugin For Firefox In Ubuntu Make Windows' title='Java Plugin For Firefox In Ubuntu Make Windows' />Java Plugin For Firefox In UbuntuWondering abut how to install Java on Ubuntu 14. Installing Java is certainly one of the first few things to do after installing Ubuntu 14. Download Google Chrome, Ubuntu, VLC Media Player, Wifislax, KodiBuntu. INFO skip non existing resource. Directory C UsersJosiahsynthesiscoresrctestresources. INFO maven compiler plugin 2. Compile default test. Compile synthesis core. INFO No sources to compile. INFO maven surefire plugin 2. Downloading http repo. INFO . INFO Reactor Summary. INFO Synthesis Metaproject SUCCESS 1. INFO Synthesis Core . FAILURE 3. 5. 38s. INFO Synthesis Java . GvRVbpAaOe8hqdefault.jpg' alt='Java Plugin For Firefox In Ubuntu' title='Java Plugin For Firefox In Ubuntu' />SKIPPED. INFO . INFO BUILD FAILURE. INFO . INFO Total time 4. INFO Finished at Wed Oct 3. EDT 2. 01. 2. INFO Final Memory 6. M1. 09. M. INFO . ERROR Failed to execute goal org. Execution default test of goal org. Plugin org. apache. Failed to collect dependencies for org. Failed to read artifact descriptor for org. Could not transfer artifact org. Remotely Closed id 0x. Help 1. I then had it to print the whole debug logging, and it elaborated a bit on the Surefire bit, displaying all of the Exceptions invoked ERROR Failed to execute goal org. Execution default test of goal. Plugin org. apa. che. Failed to collect dependencies for org. Failed to read artifact descriptor for org. Could not transfer artifact. Connection reset Help 1. Lifecycle. Execution. Exception Failed to execute goal o. Execution default test of goal org. Plugin org. apache. Failed to collect. Mojo. Executor. executeMojo. Executor. at org. Mojo. Executor. executeMojo. Executor. at org. Mojo. Executor. executeMojo. Executor. at org. Lifecycle. Module. Builder. build. Proje. Lifecycle. Module. Builder. java 8. Lifecycle. Module. Builder. build. Proje. Lifecycle. Module. Builder. java 5. Lifecycle. Starter. Threaded. Bu. ildLifecycle. Starter. java 1. Lifecycle. Starter. Lifecycl. Starter. Default. Maven. do. ExecuteDefault. Maven. Default. Maven. Default. Maven. java 1. Maven. Cli. executeMaven. Cli. java 5. 37. Maven. Cli. do. MainMaven. Cli. java 1. 96. Maven. Cli. mainMaven. Cli. Native. Method. Accessor. Impl. invoke. 0Native Method. Native. Method. Accessor. Impl. invokeNative. Method. Accessor. Impl. at sun. reflect. Delegating. Method. Accessor. Impl. invokeDelegating. Method. Acces. sor. Impl. java 2. 5. Method. Method. Launcher. EnhancedLaun. at org. Launcher. launchLauncher. Launcher. main. With. Exit. CodeLa. uncher. Launcher. mainLauncher. Caused by org. apache. Plugin. Execution. Exception Execution default t. Plu. gin org. apache. Failed to collect dependencies for org. Default. Build. Plugin. Manager. execute. MojoDefault. Build. Plugin. Manager. java 8. Mojo. Executor. executeMojo. Executor. 1. 9 more. Caused by org. apache. Plugin. Resolution. Exception Plugin org. Failed to collect dependencies for org. Default. Plugin. Dependencies. Resolver. re. solveDefault. Plugin. Dependencies. Resolver. java 2. Default. Maven. Plugin. Manager. create. Plug. RealmDefault. Maven. Plugin. Manager. java 3. Default. Maven. Plugin. Manager. setup. Plugi. RealmDefault. Maven. Plugin. Manager. java 3. Default. Build. Plugin. Manager. get. Plugin. RealmDefa. ult. Build. Plugin. Manager. java 1. Default. Build. Plugin. Manager. execute. MojoDefault. Build. Plugin. Manager. java 7. Caused by org. sonatype. Dependency. Collection. Exception Failed. Default. Dependency. Collector. collect. D. ependenciesDefault. Dependency. Collector. Default. Repository. System. collect. Depe. Default. Repository. System. java 3. 08. Default. Plugin. Dependencies. Resolver. re. solveDefault. Plugin. Dependencies. Resolver. java 1. Caused by org. sonatype. Artifact. Descriptor. Exception Failed to. Default. Artifact. Descriptor. Reader. PomDefault. Artifact. Descriptor. Reader. Default. Artifact. Descriptor. Reader. Artifact. DescriptorDefault. Turbografx 16 Emulator'>Turbografx 16 Emulator. Artifact. Descriptor. Reader. java 1. 86. Default. Dependency. Collector. process. Default. Dependency. Collector. java 4. Default. Dependency. Collector. process. Default. Dependency. Collector. java 5. Default. Dependency. Collector. collect. D. ependenciesDefault. Dependency. Collector. Caused by org. sonatype. Artifact. Resolution. Exception Could not. Connection reset. Default. Artifact. Resolver. resolveDef. Artifact. Resolver. Default. Artifact. Resolver. resolve. Arti. factsDefault. Artifact. Resolver. Default. Artifact. Install Diskwarrior On Usb. Resolver. resolve. Arti. factDefault. Artifact. Resolver. Default. Artifact. Descriptor. Reader. PomDefault. Artifact. Descriptor. Reader. Caused by org. sonatype. Artifact. Transfer. Exception Could not tra. Connection reset. Wagon. Repository. Connector4. wrapW. Repository. Connector. Wagon. Repository. Connector4. wrapW. Repository. Connector. Wagon. Repository. ConnectorGet. Task. Wagon. Repository. Connector. java 6. Runnable. Error. Forwarder1. Run. nable. Error. Forwarder. java 6. Thread. Pool. ExecutorWorker. TaskThread. Pool. Exec. at java. util. Thread. Pool. ExecutorWorker. Thread. Pool. Executor. Thread. runThread. Caused by org. apache. Transfer. Failed. Exception Connection reset. Abstract. Http. Client. Wagon. fill. Input. DataAbstract. Http. Client. Wagon. java 7. Stream. Wagon. get. Input. StreamStream. Wagon. java 1. 1. Stream. Wagon. get. If. NewerStream. Wagon. Stream. Wagon. getStream. Wagon. java 6. 1. Wagon. Repository. ConnectorGet. Task. Wagon. Repository. Connector. java 6. Caused by java. net. Socket. Exception Connection reset. Socket. Input. Stream. Socket. Input. Stream. Abstract. Sess. ion. Input. Buffer. fill. BufferAbstract. Session. Input. Buffer. java 1. Socket. Input. B. BufferSocket. Input. Buffer. java 1. 10. Abstract. Sess. ion. Input. Buffer. read. LineAbstract. Session. Input. Buffer. java 2. Default. Res. ponse. Parser. parse. HeadDefault. Response. Parser. Abstract. Mess. age. Parser. parseAbstract. How To Hide Programs Running On Windows 7 more. Message. Parser. java 2. Abstract. Http. Cli. Connection. receive.