Complications Gawande Pdf

The new england journal of medicine n engl j med 3605 nejm. A Surgical Safety Checklist to Reduce Morbidity. Une checklist ou liste de vrification, est un document construit dans le but de ne pas oublier les tapes ncessaires dune procdure pour quelle se. Objectives The learner will be able to describe the most common complications of visuallyguided sclerotherapy of the lower extremities The learner will be able to. This ecological study uses World Bank World Development database data to investigate associations between national cesarean delivery rates and maternal and neon. Cataract surgery Wikipedia. Cataract surgery is the removal of the natural lens of the eye also called crystalline lens that has developed an opacification, which is referred to as a cataract. Metabolic changes of the crystalline lens fibers over time lead to the development of the cataract and loss of transparency, causing impairment or loss of vision. Many patients first symptoms are strong glare from lights and small light sources at night, along with reduced acuity at low light levels. During cataract surgery, a patients cloudy natural cataract lens is removed and replaced with a synthetic lens to restore the lenss transparency. Following surgical removal of the natural lens, an artificial intraocular lens implant is inserted eye surgeons say that the lens is implanted. Cataract surgery is generally performed by an ophthalmologist eye surgeon in an ambulatory rather than inpatient setting, in a surgical center or hospital, using local anesthesia either topical, peribulbar, or retrobulbar, usually causing little or no discomfort to the patient. Well over 9. 0 of operations are successful in restoring useful vision, with a low complication rate. Day care, high volume, minimally invasive, small incision phacoemulsification with quick post op recovery has become the standard of care in cataract surgery all over the world. Two main types of surgical procedures are in common use throughout the world. Pokemon Pandora`S Box'>Pokemon Pandora`S Box. The first procedure is phacoemulsification phaco and the second involves two different types of extracapsular cataract extraction ECCE. In most surgeries an intraocular lens is inserted. Safe Care Campaign An organization created to help eradicate hospital acquired infections. Checklists to Improve Patient Safety Why a Checklist Checklists to Improve Patient Safety Why a Checklist To improve patient safety and quality outcomes, health. Cataract surgery is the removal of the natural lens of the eye also called crystalline lens that has developed an opacification, which is referred to as a cataract. Foldable lenses are generally used for the 2 3mm phaco incision, while non foldable lenses are placed through the larger extracapsular incision. The small incision size used in phacoemulsification 2 3mm often allows sutureless incision closure. ECCE utilises a larger incision 1. Complications Gawande Pdf' title='Complications Gawande Pdf' />Childbirth, also known as labour and delivery, is the ending of a pregnancy by one or more babies leaving a womans uterus by vaginal passage or Csection. In 2015. The Checklist Manifesto Page 1 MAIN IDEA In complex situations such as those which arise in almost every profession and industry today the solutions to. Join us and your colleagues for the 10th Annual SCOAP Meeting on Wednesday, June 7th, 2017 The 2017 conference will be held at The Port of Seattle Conference Center. ECCE known as manual small incision cataract surgery MSICS. Cataract extraction using intracapsular cataract extraction ICCE has been superseded by phaco ECCE, and is rarely performed. Phacoemulsification is the most commonly performed cataract procedure in the developed world. However, the high cost of a phacoemulsification machine and of the associated disposable equipment means that ECCE and MSICS remain the most commonly performed procedure in developing countries. I/41U1rw12KcL.jpg' alt='Complications Gawande Pdf' title='Complications Gawande Pdf' />Complications Gawande PdfTypes of surgeryedit. Cataract surgery, using a temporal approach phacoemulsification probe in right hand and chopperin left hand being done under operating microscope at a Navy medical center. Cataract surgery recently performed, foldable IOL inserted. Note small incision and very slight hemorrhage to the right of the still dilated pupil. There are a number of different surgical techniques used in cataract surgery Phacoemulsification phaco is the most common technique used in developed countries. It involves the use of a machine with an ultrasonic handpiece equipped with a titanium or steel tip. The tip vibrates at ultrasonic frequency 4. Hz and the lens material is emulsified. Whip Cream Chargers Crackers'>Whip Cream Chargers Crackers. A second fine instrument sometimes called a cracker or chopper may be used from a side port to facilitate cracking or chopping of the nucleus into smaller pieces. Fragmentation into smaller pieces makes emulsification easier, as well as the aspiration of cortical material soft part of the lens around the nucleus. After phacoemulsification of the lens nucleus and cortical material is completed, a dual irrigation aspiration I A probe or a bimanual I A system is used to aspirate out the remaining peripheral cortical material. Manual small incision cataract surgery MSICS This technique is an evolution of ECCE see below where the entire lens is expressed out of the eye through a self sealing scleral tunnel wound. An appropriately constructed scleral tunnel is watertight and does not require suturing. The small in the title refers to the wound being relatively smaller than an ECCE, although it is still markedly larger than a phaco wound. Head to head trials of MSICS vs phaco in dense cataracts have found no difference in outcomes, but shorter operating time and significantly lower costs with MSICS. Nucleus of hypermature cataract after ECCEExtracapsular cataract extraction ECCE Extracapsular cataract extraction involves the removal of almost the entire natural lens while the elastic lens capsule posterior capsule is left intact to allow implantation of an intraocular lens. It involves manual expression of the lens through a large usually 1. Although it requires a larger incision and the use of stitches, the conventional method may be indicated for patients with very hard cataracts or other situations in which phacoemulsification is problematic. Intracapsular cataract extraction ICCE involves the removal of the lens and the surrounding lens capsule in one piece. Paramedic To Pa Bridge Program In Ga. The procedure has a relatively high rate of complications due to the large incision required and pressure placed on the vitreous body. It has therefore been largely superseded and is rarely performed in countries where operating microscopes and high technology equipment are readily available. After lens removal, an artificial plastic lens an intraocular lens implant can be placed in either the anterior chamber or sutured into the sulcus. Femtosecond laser appears safe but has few benefits over phacoemulsification. Cryoextraction is a form of ICCE that freezes the lens with a cryogenic substance such as liquid nitrogen. In this technique, the cataract is extracted through use of a cryoextractor  a cryoprobe whose refrigerated tip adheres to and freezes tissue of the lens, permitting its removal. Although it is now used primarily for the removal of subluxated lenses, it was the favored form of cataract extraction from the late 1. Intraocular lenseseditIntraocular lens implantation After the removal of the cataract, an intraocular lens IOL is usually implanted into the eye, either through a small incision 1. IOL, or through an enlarged incision, using a PMMA polymethylmethacrylate lens. The foldable IOL, made of silicone or acrylic material of appropriate power is folded either using a holderfolder, or a proprietary insertion device provided along with the IOL. The lens implanted is inserted through the incision into the capsular bag within the posterior chamber in the bag implantation. Sometimes, a sulcus implantation in front or on top of the capsular bag but behind the iris may be required because of posterior capsular tears or because of zonulodialysis. Implantation of posterior chamber IOL PCIOL in patients below 1 year of age is controversial due to rapid ocular growth at this age and the excessive amount of inflammation, which may be very difficult to control. Optical correction in these patients without intraocular lens aphakic is usually managed with either special contact lenses or glasses. Secondary implantation of IOL placement of a lens implant as a second operation may be considered later. New designs of multifocal intraocular lens are now available. These lenses allow focusing of rays from distant as well as near objects, working much like bifocal or trifocal eyeglasses. Preoperative patient selection and good counselling is extremely important to avoid unrealistic expectations and post operative patient dissatisfaction.